In Drupal 6 you can have a filter node.uid = current user
. How do you do this in Drupal 7?
3 Answers
You need to add the filter as a "context" (Advanced) where you can supply a default argument. If you context is for a user, like the node author, then you can select stuff like id of logged in user.
1I've always used Relationships but will look at contexts too. View's is awesome. Commented Feb 13, 2012 at 12:08
Going to modify about 100 views. :) Thank you for the details @googletorp. Commented Feb 13, 2012 at 12:18
1you notice the first line of text in the context filter? "When the filter value is not in the URL" so I tried this already and it works if the url does not have a users id in it but if user a is looking at some user b profile then this view is going to use users b id not users a Commented Feb 14, 2012 at 2:45
You need to edit your view, go to the Advanced column (far right) and add a new relationship.
You will specifically need to add the "Content: Author" relationship.
Next, under "Filters" you will need to add the "User: Current" filter.
Now you should be able to filter content owned by the currently logged in user.
1While this work, this is slower than the using context filters, as you need to create a join. It's probably only a few ms slower, but no reason to waste resources. Commented Feb 13, 2012 at 12:13
This will save way more than a few ms on a bunch of my queries. :) Thank you for the clarification. Commented Feb 13, 2012 at 12:20
you can add simply
"User: Current" in "Filter" criteria.