I have a Drupal 7 form which I'm allowing the user to submit via AJAX. If the user does not fill out required fields, or enters invalid information, I can return that and alert the user via the form_get_errors() function. The problem is that these values are still on the "display stack" (not the correct term, I'm sure) - when the user refreshes the page, or navigates to another one, these previous errors are displayed.

Is there a way to set these errors not to display once I've grabbed them with form_get_errors()?

EDIT: The session variable 'messages' is set at $_SESSION['messages']['error'], which is where the display of the errors is driven from. I could wipe this out by doing something like unset($_SESSION['messages']['error']), but I feel like this is very hacky. The drupal_static_reset() function also will not help, since it doesn't eliminate the values in the messages array.

4 Answers 4


If you know the message was the last one set, a simple hack is to just:


Just be aware this only removes the message, your form will still be in error state.

  • This would totally work, but I'll hang out a bit to see if there's a suggestion that's more inline with the Drupal workflow. I just can't believe that I'm the first person to try to use Drupal in this way. I mean...submitting forms via AJAX is pretty common, right?
    – rybosome
    Dec 2, 2011 at 21:48

Yes its pretty common.. :)

But I have used the same technique, that is to unset the $_SESSION array.

Some of the modules store the errors as $_SESSION['module_name]['messages']['error'], which is good so that you dont unset some else's message.

I have used AJAX for form submit many times, but still haven't run into a better or more Drupal way to do this.

Will be glad to find something better than unset or array_pop ;)


I believe you can grab all the themed error messages by theme('status_messages', array('error')) which in turn calls drupal_get_messages() which unsets the messages that got displayed. Or if you want a structured array of messages you can call drupal_get_messages('error') straight away. I'm not 100% certain this works for form errors, but I hope this helps.

Edit: Sorry didn't notice this question was from December 2011 -.-


This will help you.

drupal_get_messages($type = NULL, $clear_queue = TRUE);

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