I am using biblio version 7.x-1.0-rc7 on a drupal 7.38 version site.

I am trying to do two things from the /node/add/biblio page:

  1. Use the Google Scholar lookup to be able to get the info through the author name or book title but I don't see that option in the add content page.

  2. I see online there are videos tutorials of people adding in existing bibliography data into a BibTex textfield - again I am not seeing that option when navigating to /node/add/biblio.

For some reason the only options I see is either the PubMed ID Lookup or the DOI Lookup. The publication type option just brings me to a blank biblio content where I would need to add all the date into fields not giving me an option to like just add the reference data in one text field.

This is what I see on the node add page:

enter image description here

This is the settings I have set on the biblio configurations page:

enter image description here

Any direction on how to get those options on the node add page would be greatly appreciated!


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