Can a block span more than one region in a theme? Sometimes I would like content to do this, depending on the page.

I'm aware (and heavily use) Panels which are great but I thought it would be worth considering other solutions.

2 Answers 2


Not by default, but the MultiBlock module will solve this for you, out of the box.


Another option would be to consider Panels Everywhere: http://drupal.org/project/panels_everywhere

From the project page:

"Panels Everywhere is an advanced method to completely do away with Drupal's restrictive blocks system and instead use the much more freeing Panels Layout system to control how your pages look."

A further convincing point, referring to Drupal themes:

"Panels Everywhere modifies the page as it is being rendered to 'wrap' the content in a display and can even take over your page theme to do away with the need for a page.tpl.php."

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