
I'd like to use db_select in a static public function of a certain class. The query should be a base query, which may then be customized in the calling function. Returning the result sets seems to work, but I'd like to return the drupal db_select-object for further usage. Here is some example code:

class foo{ 
 public static function get_query() {
  $query = db_select('bar', 'b'); 
  return $query;
function test() { 
  $qobj = foo::get_query(); 
  $qobj->fields('b', array('id', 'name'));
  $result = $qobj->execute();

The returned object seems not to be a db_select object, which can be edited further more. Do I have to create a dummy db_select and pass the reference of this object to the static function.

Thank you.


  • "The returned object seems not to be a db_select object" - could you please post a result of dpr or var_dump called on a returned object? That way you (and we) would know, not only seem.
    – Mołot
    Nov 6, 2013 at 9:14

1 Answer 1


There's no such class as db_select, but your code will return a valid SelectQuery.

class foo{ 
 public static function get_query() {
  $query = db_select('bar', 'b'); 
  return $query;
function test() { 
  $qobj = foo::get_query(); 

  // Get type of object

  // Alter the query string and make sure it has been altered
  dpm((string) $qobj);


The first Devel output for the above is SelectQuery, as expected. The second is the following query string:

{bar} b

Now add another function to the mix:

function test2() { 
  $qobj = foo::get_query(); 
  $qobj->fields('b', array('x'));
  dpm((string) $qobj);

Run that in the same page request, and you get this query string

{bar} b

So your code works exactly as you've specified that it should do.

If you're expecting something else to happen, it would be a good idea to detail that in the question.


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