I'm creating custom templates for my Drupal 7 site. There is a custom content type called flowers.

  1. Which template file (.tpl.php) should I put under templates directory of my theme's folder for displaying a single flower-type node?

  2. Can I use the Views module to create different views (i.e displaying picture of a flower in a view & displaying species of the flower in another view) for displaying only a single flower-type node? So far I can create pages that displays list of flower-type nodes. I want to display just a single (perhaps providing it's node-id) flower-type node. How do I do that?

    2.1. For displaying different types of views to display a single flower-type node, which template files (.tpl.php) should I edit?

Thanks in advance for caring :)

1 Answer 1


Create node--flowers.tpl.php, put the default code from modules/node/node.tpl.php, and edit it.

  • Thanks @ram4nd. Would you please take some time and answer the 2nd problem - creating Views using Views module to display just one flower? Thanks
    – Shafiul
    Oct 15, 2011 at 10:13
  • You can do this under pager settings. Instead of pager select display specific number of items. And you can configure the number of displayed items and offset.
    – ram4nd
    Oct 16, 2011 at 9:38
  • Your answer is incomplete, so I answered it after creating a fully detailed tutorial on my blog. Thanks & +1 for helping
    – Shafiul
    Nov 4, 2011 at 4:35

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