I have activated the cache on my Drupal 8 site, and of course all pages are cached as expected.

However, I'd like to have a specific page bypass that cache.

In my controller I built the page as follows:

public function myPage() {
  return [
    '#markup' => time(),

How can I tell Drupal not to cache my page?

5 Answers 5


For Drupal 7

Drupal has the function drupal_page_is_cacheable() which can be used to set a page to uncacheable.

Here is the documentation: https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes!bootstrap.inc/function/drupal_page_is_cacheable/7

For Drupal 8

// Deny any page caching on the current request.    

Then the code is:

public function myPage() {
  return [
    '#markup' => time(),

As usual, clean your cache once done.

Best practice (Drupal 8 | 9 | 10)

For performance and good practice reasons it is recommended to use dependency injection inside your Controller class.



namespace Drupal\my_module\Controller;

use Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase;
use Drupal\Core\PageCache\ResponsePolicy\KillSwitch;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;

 * A controller class that respects Drupal coding standards.
 * @see https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/standards
class MyController extends ControllerBase {

   * Page cache kill switch.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\PageCache\ResponsePolicy\KillSwitch
  protected $killSwitch;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __construct(KillSwitch $kill_switch) {
    $this->killSwitch = $kill_switch;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
    return new static(

   * Render my page with a renderable array.
   * @return array
  public function myPage() : array {
    return [
      '#markup' => time(),



Disable cache for a specific page

Disable cache for a custom page from route declaration. If you want to disable cache for a custom controller (Custom module), You have no_cache option (YOUR_MODULE.routing.yml). Example : File : mymodule.routing.yml

  path: '/mymodule/mypage'
    _controller: '\Drupal\mymodule\Controller\Pages::mypage'
    _title: 'No cache page'
    _access: 'TRUE'
    no_cache: 'TRUE'

Added 'no_cache' route option to mark a route's responses as uncacheable

  • Prefer this answer as you are setting route specific access as well in this same location, plus it's cleaner.
    – Ron
    Commented May 20, 2020 at 17:08
  • The 'max-age' trick does not seem to work for rendering array returned by controllers in Drupal 9 anymore. But the options.no_cache still work. Commented May 16, 2022 at 8:34

In Drupal 8, you can mention cache as max-age till you want your page ouput to be cached. For removing cache of a particular page(Controller page), write 'max-age' => 0,.

public function myPage() {
  return [
   '#markup' => time(),
   '#cache' => ['max-age' => 0,],    //Set cache for 0 seconds.

If you need to do something with a contrib module you can use a RouteSubscriber to fix the cache issue. you need a service ... or just run drupal gr if have drupal console.

 namespace Drupal\mymodule\Routing;

 use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteSubscriberBase;
 use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;

 class RouteSubscriber extends RouteSubscriberBase {

 * {@inheritdoc}
protected function alterRoutes(RouteCollection $collection) {
  // Find the route you need ...
  if ($route = $collection->get('some.contrib.route')) {
    $options = $route->getOptions();
    $options['no_cache'] = TRUE;

more info see https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/api/routing-system/altering-existing-routes-and-adding-new-routes-based-on-dynamic-ones


You can use this module to avoid drupal cache and also server side cache like varnish https://www.drupal.org/project/ape

Its works for me in Varnish cache on acquia server.

  • Looks like this module is no longer maintained, so in case anyone comes here via google like I did, then the other answers should be explored.
    – Matt B
    Commented Sep 18, 2023 at 7:03

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