I'm working on a contrib module port to Drupal 8 and am currently adding additional test coverage (#2586125). The module provides both a field formatter and a views style plugin. I have good working test coverage for the field formatter and am now focusing on several views test cases (simpletest based on Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase).

I have built a simple view, that uses my module's views style plugin along with a few other simple dependencies (some field storage conf, etc.), and exported this as a couple yml conf files. What's not clear to me however is the best practice way to load this bundled view during each functional test case.

A couple ideas come to mind:

Method 1: Bundle View as Config in Test Module Dependency

I Drupal 7 the standard method appeared to be to export a view and then bundle it inside a test-only module (with hook_views_default_views()) which is installed as part of the test case setup. In D8 the exported view yml can just be placed inside a test module's config/install directory and then the module made a dependency inside the $modules property of the test class.

Method 2: Add View Explicitly during Setup with ViewTestData::createTestViews()

Some of the D8 views module's own tests use Drupal\views\Tests\ViewTestData::createTestViews(), along with a $testViews property array to directly enable a specific view inside the test setup. Something like:

  public static $modules = array('node', 'field', 'image', 'my_module', 'views');

  // Views used by this test.
  public static $testViews = array('my_test_view'); // Exported yml inside config/test_views of my_test_views_module

   * Define setup tasks.
  public function setUp() {
    ViewTestData::createTestViews(get_class($this), array('my_test_views_module'));
    // Additional setup...

Other Factors

The way configuration is loaded and cached, and related dependencies are resolved during tests is slightly mysterious. I've noticed that test cases which also programmatically add configuration that a view depends on (using something like $this->drupalCreateContentType() for a content type config or entity_create() for field storage config) can be tricky. In these cases Method 1 could be problematic as the view may get loaded from conf before it's dependencies are programmatically prepared. This is leading me to think that Method 2 is potentially preferred, but all the factors are not yet clear.

  • I simplified the question a bit as I think I solved the issue that was specific to the d.o. testbots (documented in #2632946). This means that some of the specific errors no longer present, though it's still not clear which method for adding a view to a test may be best in terms of avoiding other potential complications... so I'm leaving the question open.
    – rjacobs
    Dec 11, 2015 at 21:52

1 Answer 1


Sometimes the code in core is not as pretty and consistent as we would like, which can make it a but tricky to find out what is best practice.

For views, it seems that this is pretty consistent. You should create a test module and have the view config yml files be placed inside a test_views folder of the module.

There are examples of this in node and rest modules.

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