I'm working on an Ajax implementation for the Webform submit on Drupal 7. I was not able to find any good hook
to alter the Webform submit button and add '#ajax' in the form so i had a look to a Drupal 6 module that implements this functionality from an external script.
So i decided to go with my own module and JavaScript code to fire an Ajax post request to a custom menu callback I have defined in hook_menu()
, in Drupal 7.
The JavaScript part works fine but I'm having issues trying to submit the Webform programmatically.
Here is my JavaScript code:
function formSubmit(event, formId) {
var form = jQuery("#" + formId);
var postData = form.serialize();
var nodeId = formId.substring(20);
var msg = '';
msg += form.find('#edit-submitted-name').attr('value') ? '' : 'Please enter your name';
if(msg) {
} else {
url: Drupal.settings.basePath + 'webform_ajax/' + nodeId,
type: 'POST',
data: postData,
success: function(ajaxData) {
console.log('Hello world');
// can't get here
And my module code (based on webform_ajax module):
function custom_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['webform_ajax/%'] = array(
'page callback' => '_custom_webform_ajax',
'page arguments' => array(1,2),
'access callback' => '_custom_webform_ajax_access',
return $items;
function _custom_webform_ajax($nid, $data) {
//$sid = $_POST['details']['sid'];
$local_POST = $_POST;
$form_build_id = $_POST['form_build_id'];
$form_id = 'webform_client_form_' . $nid;
$node = node_load($nid);
$submission = array();
$form_state = array();
$form = form_get_cache($form_build_id, $form_state);
$form_array = drupal_rebuild_form($form_id, $form_state, array($form_state, $node, $submission), $form_build_id);
$form_state['clicked_button'] = $form_array['actions']['submit'];
if (is_array($local_POST['submitted'])) {
foreach ($local_POST['submitted'] as $submit_index => $submit) {
$form_state['storage']['submitted'][$submit_index] = $submit;
$form_state['values']['submitted'][$submit_index] = $submit;
// Clearing empty values from $form_state
if (is_array($form_state['values']['submitted'])) {
foreach ($form_state['values']['submitted'] as $value_index => $value) {
if (!$value) {
// Executing the pressed button action
drupal_execute($form_id, $form_state, $node, array());
// Get the HTML for the error messages
$error_html = theme('status_messages', 'error');
// Building the resulting form after the processing of the button
$form_array = drupal_rebuild_form($form_id, $form_state, array($form_state, $node, $submission), $form_build_id);
$form = drupal_render_form($form_id, $form_array);
return drupal_json_output(array(
'message' => $error_html,
'status' => 'sent',
function _custom_webform_ajax_access() {
// Todo: Add webform access conditions
return true;
When i submit my form i get 500 server errors.
I guess D6 & D7 form API are quite different and i'm not sure where to start to have this piece of code working. I have tried to debug it but i can't figure out what's generating the 500 errors.
I use webform 3 and the module i took the code also relies on the version 3 of webform but for Drupal 6. But both modules should provide the same functions and same kind of functionalities behind. First workaround: It may come from the values i pass that would not be compatible with D7 form api.
In my log i have :
Argument 1 passed to drupal_array_nested_key_exists() must be an array, null given, called in D:\wamp\www\productionsite\includes\form.inc on line 1986 and defined in drupal_array_nested_key_exists() (line 6296 of D:\wamp\www\productionsite\includes\common.inc).
-- EDIT --
I'm debugging line by line now, at the end this piece of code could worth to become a D7 module ;)
I found in D7 documentation that drupal_rebuild_form() arguments have changed from D6, and that the $form_state
can't be empty anymore at this stage, so i updated my code in this way:
$form_state = array('submitted' => false, 'values' => array());
$form = form_get_cache($form_build_id, $form_state);
$form_array = drupal_rebuild_form($form_id, $form_state, $form);
Now i'm trying to find the equivalent of drupal_execute(), which doesn't exists anymore in D7.
-- Edit (2) --
I got it working a few days ago and come back to share the solution, and maybe get some advices and improvements suggestions.
function custom_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['webform_ajax/%'] = array(
'page callback' => '_custom_webform_ajax',
'page arguments' => array(1,2),
'access callback' => '_custom_webform_ajax_access',
return $items;
function _custom_webform_ajax($nid, $data) {
$local_POST = $_POST;
$form_build_id = $_POST['form_build_id'];
$form_id = 'webform_client_form_' . $nid;
$node = node_load($nid);
$submission = array();
$form_state = array(
'submitted' => false,
'values' => array(),
'build_info' => array(
'args' => array(
$form = form_get_cache($form_build_id, $form_state);
$form_array = drupal_rebuild_form($form_id, $form_state);
// Add the clicked button before processing the form
$form_state['clicked_button'] = $form_array['actions']['submit'];
if (is_array($local_POST['submitted'])) {
foreach ($local_POST['submitted'] as $submit_index => $submit) {
$form_state['values']['submitted'][$submit_index] = $submit;
// Clearing empty values from $form_state
if (is_array($form_state['values']['submitted'])) {
foreach ($form_state['values']['submitted'] as $value_index => $value) {
if (!$value) {
$form_state['values']['details']['nid'] = $nid;
// Executing the pressed button action
drupal_build_form($form_id, $form_state);
return drupal_json_output(array(
'message' => t('Your submission has been received. Thank you for contacting us.'),
'status' => 'sent',
function _custom_webform_ajax_access() {
// TODO: Add user role / perm check
return true;
To go a step further I would like now to get the errors from the processed form so i could send them back with the json object. Any ideas ?