As in question, ofcourse I am asking about Drupal function for this job.

So I need function that get language string as param (e.g 'en','pl' etc) and returns me standard Drupal language object. Similar to global $language.

2 Answers 2


I would use the following code; with mymodule_get_language_obj($name, FALSE) you get a language object only if it has been enabled.

function mymodule_get_language_obj($name, $all = TRUE) {
  if ($all) {
    $languages = language_list();
  else {
    $languages = language_list('enabled');
    $languages = $languages[1];

  return isset($languages[$name]) ? $languages[$name] : NULL;

Notice that on Drupal 7.43 (and possibly, on previous Drupal 7 versions), language_list() returns an array of objects, contrary to what reported in a comment posted in the documentation page.

When calling:

  $languages = language_list('enabled');

You can expect the return value to be:

$languages = array(
    '1' => 
            'en' => array('language'=>'en', 'name'=>'English', ... ), 
            'fr' => array('language'=> 'fr', 'name' => 'Francais', ... ),

The index being 1 because it's the value of the 'enabled' column.

With Drupal 7.43, I obtained the following:

Locale module not installed

  • Output of print_r(language_list('enabled'));
      [1] => Array(
        [en] => stdClass Object(
          [language] => en
          [name] => English
          [native] => English
          [direction] => 0
          [enabled] => 1
          [plurals] => 0
          [formula] =>
          [domain] =>
          [prefix] =>
          [weight] => 0
          [javascript] =>
  • Output of print_r(language_list());
      [en] => stdClass Object(
        [language] => en
        [name] => English
        [native] => English
        [direction] => 0
        [enabled] => 1
        [plurals] => 0
        [formula] =>
        [domain] =>
        [prefix] =>
        [weight] => 0
        [javascript] =>

Locale module installed, and Esperanto enabled as additional language

  • Output of print_r(language_list('enabled'));
      [1] => Array(
        [en] => stdClass Object(
          [language] => en
          [name] => English
          [native] => English
          [direction] => 0
          [enabled] => 1
          [plurals] => 0
          [formula] =>
          [domain] =>
          [prefix] =>
          [weight] => 0
          [javascript] =>
        [eo] => stdClass Object(
          [language] => eo
          [name] => Esperanto
          [native] => Esperanto
          [direction] => 0
          [enabled] => 1
          [plurals] => 0
          [formula] =>
          [domain] =>
          [prefix] => eo
          [weight] => 0
          [javascript] =>
  • Output of print_r(language_list());
      [en] => stdClass Object(
        [language] => en
        [name] => English
        [native] => English
        [direction] => 0
        [enabled] => 1
        [plurals] => 0
        [formula] =>
        [domain] =>
        [prefix] =>
        [weight] => 0
        [javascript] =>
      [eo] => stdClass Object(
        [language] => eo
        [name] => Esperanto
        [native] => Esperanto
        [direction] => 0
        [enabled] => 1
        [plurals] => 0
        [formula] =>
        [domain] =>
        [prefix] => eo
        [weight] => 0
        [javascript] =>


The equivalent code for Drupal 8 would be the following one.

function mymodule_get_language_obj($name) {
  $languages = \Drupal::languageManager()->getLanguages();

  return isset($languages[$name]) ? $languages[$name] : NULL;

Note that Drupal 8 version of the code returns instances of the Locale class, not the stdClass class.


Use language_list() function:


function get_langugage_object($language) {
  $installed_languages = language_list();
  return $installed_languages[$language];

  • 1
    this should be the correct answer because it actually gives you an object, the accepted answer however returns a string of the language....
    – Alex
    Oct 27, 2014 at 14:40

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