I have a view named "taxonomy_term_custom." The preprocess code below works to do some specific stuff for this view, but I would like to override the hook like this:

function mywebsite_glue_preprocess_views_view__taxonomy_term_custom(&$vars) {

Is this possible?

function mywebsite_glue_preprocess_views_view(&$vars) {
  if($vars['view']->name == 'taxonomy_term_custom'){
    // do stuff

3 Answers 3


In Drupal 7 this preprocess function will not automatically get picked up as it did in Drupal 6. There is a workaround posted here if you want the same behaviour as Drupal 6. For the issue.

  • Is it just hook_preprocess_views_view() that is affected? I've looked through the issue and can't find a definitive list of which hooks are affected. Jul 29, 2012 at 10:59

Just call preprocess for each view.

function mywebsite_glue_preprocess_views_view(&$vars) {
  $function_name = __FUNCTION__ . '__' . $vars['view']->name;
  if (function_exists($function_name)) {

function mywebsite_glue_preprocess_views_view__taxonomy_term_custom(&$vars) {
  // do stuff

Sure, that depends on which version of Drupal you are using though. Watch out for this issue. It says that you can't have a views preprocess function unless you have a corresponding tpl file.

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