Top new questions this week:
I have a module with a few helpful services and field formatters. I have one field formatter that applies only to entity_reference_revisions fields and, as a result, "uses" and "extends&...
Our servers that run Drupal 10 site on Azure is experiencing too many active database connections and they are mostly in SLEEP state.
Do Drupal 10 modules automatically close database connections ...
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
I want to add an image to a block located in the First Sidebar in Drupal 7. Does anyone know how to do this? Thank you.
In Drupal 7, I could change the page title with drupal_set_title(t('New page title')). When I try it in Drupal 8, I get a There is no such function error.
How can I change the page title?
I need to get the path for public:// at runtime. Is there a function I can use to get it?
What is the best method to check if a field is empty in a node template.
In node--example.html.twig we can use "content" variable.
I can't use check like checking a block
{% if content....
I have created a view where I am displaying the the node title and a logo (a cck field). In the arguments I have passed the taxonomy term name.
In the result a node is displaying 2 or 3 times; I ...
I'm trying to programmatically (with jQuery) trigger a click on button with AJAX behavior in a Drupal form, but so far jQuery('#edit-submit').click() doesn't do anything.
A real mouse click on that ...
myfield is a plain text field. {{ content.field_myfield }} renders the field with HTML markup and the field label.
How do I render the raw value of the field? {{ content.field_myfield.value }} doesn'...