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Not possible with drushDrush, but try masterthe Master module. Here is a quote about it the module's project page):

... provides utilities for controlling the module status of all modules in the whole installation by a single Drush command. The configuration is done by defining "master modules". "Master modules" are (in most cases) custom modules or features, that provide dependencies to all modules that are needed to run the site. In combination with Features and maybe some custom code and scripts the whole site configuration can be managed via that approach.

Not possible with drush but try master module.

Not possible with Drush, but try the Master module. Here is a quote about it (from the module's project page):

... provides utilities for controlling the module status of all modules in the whole installation by a single Drush command. The configuration is done by defining "master modules". "Master modules" are (in most cases) custom modules or features, that provide dependencies to all modules that are needed to run the site. In combination with Features and maybe some custom code and scripts the whole site configuration can be managed via that approach.

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Not possible with drush but try master module.