Right. Checked your module, and your issue here is permissions.
Before returning results, the module checks whether the user has actually permission to see those results, and cuts the ones that the user is not supposed to see.
In this case, none of your entities define an 'access callback' in hook_entity_info()hook_entity_info()
, which ultimately translates in the Entity API returning NULL when permissions are checked, which my module treats as "nothing defined, better be safe and don't return results".
So you were probably using my module in the right way, but your entities are missing the access checks.
I suggest you add at least a global check for them, like
'access callback' => 'scorebook_entity_access',
And then implement that function.
function scorebook_entity_access($op, $entity, $account = NULL, $entity_type = '')
// Edit to fit your requirements.
return TRUE;
// Edit to fit your requirements. return TRUE; }
I've tested it with grounds, which are the ones defining a label, and it works all right.
Hope it helps!.