I have views which has multiple image fields. In some cases all those image fields are empty, but some cases one of them has content.
When image field has content I want to have extra class .has-image for views row.
There is image fields: image_field_1, image_field_2 and image_field_3
It can be done programmatically, but I'm lost how to check those fields. I know this much:
function YOURTHEME_preprocess_views_view_unformatted(&$vars){
There can not be used $vars['classes_array'][$id][]
because $classes_array[$id]
is not an array.
Here is code for working solution.
function theme_preprocess_views_view_unformatted(&$vars) {
$view = $vars['view'];
$rows = $vars['rows'];
foreach ($vars['view']->result as $id => $row) {
if (!empty($row->field_field_image) || !empty($row->field_field_image_2) || !empty($row->field_field_image_3)) {
$vars['classes_array'][$id] .= ' has_field';
else {
$vars['classes_array'][$id] .= ' has_no_field';