How can I properly render a field collection ? Is there any specific function for that ? I tried field_view_field
but it does not output children fields.
My field collection is attached to a line item entity, and I want to display it in a Commerce checkout pane review.
function mymodule_pane_review($form, $form_state, $checkout_pane, $order) {
//loading line item
$line_item = commerce_line_item_load($order->commerce_line_items['und'][0]['line_item_id']);
//loading field_collection from its id
$paxsup = entity_load('field_collection_item', array($line_item->field_paxsup['und'][0]['value']));
return drupal_render(field_attach_view('field_collection_item',$paxsup, 'full'));
but get an error EntityMalformedException: Missing bundle property on entity of type field_collection_item
EDIT : I got a step forward, with the use either of
$paxsup$paxsups = entity_load('field_collection_item', array($line_item->field_paxsup['und'][0]['value']));
$paxs$paxsup = end($paxsup$paxsups);
//or shortcut, as per Marcvangend
$paxs$paxsup = field_collection_field_get_entity($line_item->field_paxsup['und'][0]);
now returns
So I can output a child field with
$view = field_view_field('field_collection_item', $paxsp$paxsup, 'field_paxsup_civilite', $display);
return drupal_render($view);
ButEDIT 2: I feel stupidended chaining #markup
$display = array('label' => 'hidden');
$cv = field_view_field('field_collection_item', $paxsup, 'field_paxsup_civilite', $display);
$nom = field_view_field('field_collection_item', $paxsup, 'field_paxsup_nom', $display);
$prenom = field_view_field('field_collection_item', $paxsup, 'field_paxsup_prenom', $display);
$date = field_view_field('field_collection_item', $paxsup, 'field_paxsup_datenaiss', $display);
$view .= $cv[0]['#markup'] .' '. $nom[0]['#markup'] .' '. $prenom[0]['#markup'] .t(', né(e) le '). $date[0]['#markup'] ;
But I'm not to be able to concatenate field_view_field
of each child fieldhappy with this "old style" solution, orwould have preferred to find a more elegant and simpleDrupal way to output that field collection