Aliases indeed disappear from nodes with non-default language after disabling language prefix in URLs. The solution to that is easy, but you have to do it in code, using Pathauto's hook_pathauto_alias_alter()hook_pathauto_alias_alter()
Basically all you need to do is:
function yourcustommodule_pathauto_alias_alter(&$alias, array &$context) {
// Force all aliases to be saved as language neutral.
$context['language'] = LANGUAGE_NONE;
This way you make sure that the language of the saved alias (not of node!) will always be 'und'und
, meaning it will show for nodes of all languages.
NBNote: For existing aliases it is not enough to re-save the node -- you. You have to delete the alias first and then have it recreated. Often the easiest is to do it in bulk via Pathauto's configuration interface -- first. First delete all paths, then bulk-recreate them.
For more, see