I want to import users from one database to another, without password changed
suppose, I havewithout changing password as $S$DfAoLR.OJWl04tkzgnZeE3TdJHlz6NxBNpArOKhQAewyyHDFDD
, so after import user.
Suppose the password should be sameis saved as $S$DfAoLR.OJWl04tkzgnZeE3TdJHlz6NxBNpArOKhQAewyyHDFDD
$S$DfAoLR.OJWl04tkzgnZeE3TdJHlz6NxBNpArOKhQAewyyHDFDD in the database; I want to save the same value in the database of the other site.
Can anyone suggest me how to achieve this?
Thanks in advance..