I just had a similar issue, I had a block view showing the current category
1 Block view
2 Contextual Filter - Taxonomy term: Term ID - Provide default value (term id from url)
3 fields
4 filters
5 No results - Global text field
- Block view
- Contextual Filter - Taxonomy term: Term ID - Provide default value (term id from url)
- fields
- filters
- No results - Global text field
Like you, because the contextual filter was set to provide default value I never saw the no results text.
Edit the contextual filter and scroll down to the bottom, under
"When the filter value IS available or a default is provided"
1 check Specify validation criteria
2 leave validator as default
"When the filter value IS available or a default is provided"
3 Change "Action to take if filter value does not validate" to "display contents of No result found"
- Check Specify validation criteria.
- Leave validator as default.
- Change "Action to take if filter value does not validate" to "display contents of No result found".
Bingo, on the overviewOverview page with no term passed I get the no results found text, and when I go to a category page it picks up the term and displays the correct content.