Given that you could do the following too :
$ drush pml | grep 'Enabled'
$ drush pml | grep 'Disabled'
$ drush help pml
Show a list of available extensions (modules and themes).
--core Filter out extensions that are not in drupal core.
--no-core Filter out extensions that are provided by drupal core.
--package Filter by project packages. You can use multiple comma separated values. (i.e. --package="Core
- required,Other").
--pipe Returns a whitespace delimited list of the names of the resulting extensions.
--status=<disabled> Filter by extension status. Choices: enabled, disabled and/or 'not installed'. You can use
multiple comma separated values. (i.e. --status="disabled,not installed").
--type=<module> Filter by extension type. Choices: module, theme.
For example, you could use
$ drush pml --no-core --status="not installed" --type=module
Package Name Version
Administration Actions permissions (VBO) (actions_permissions) 7.x-3.2
BackgroundField BackgroundField (backgroundfield) 7.x-1.5
Chaos tool suite Better Jump Menus (jump_menu) 7.x-1.4
Chaos tool suite Chaos Tools (CTools) AJAX Example (ctools_ajax_sample) 7.x-1.6
***Note and caution:*** Always try this stuff on a development or vagrant box first. NEVER blindly do this to a production box.