Forena is built of the idea of using SQL to get data out of a database (which can be the Drupal database or an external one such as My SQL, Oracle, MS SQL, ...) and use XHTML and CSS to format it into web reports. There are quite some reasons for considering Forena (which, which also explains how "Forena complements the views module", suggested"Forena complements the views module" (suggested in some other answers here also), i.e.:
- "Why not use views instead of forena?" ... The answer is generally something along the lines of "Most forena users love views, views is great! If you want to report against external data though, or you want to do aggregation or analytics, Forena is much more suited to address these requirements."
- "What does it take to create reports / charts with the typical Business Intelligence tools? Where would I start in case such reports are to be shown on a Drupal site ... and the actual data may either come from any of Drupal's own tables, or in a PDO-style external database, or some XML or CSV file?" ... Trying to answer these questions leads to more questions such as "How far can you get (and what would it take to get there) with the views module (not even talking about how to secure the access to such data)?
Visit the Forena HowTos page for some links (near the bottom) to some live demo / showcase links.