Case: I am using conditional fields module to hide some dependent fields based on the value of its dependee field. I have created a custom node--content-type.tpl.php
template for my content type.
Here, Field2
is dependent on the value of Field1
. Suppose in this case, Field2
is rendered only if Field1
has value 'jobs'. Otherwise, it is hidden from both node edit form and node page.
When using seven theme and its display(default or teaser) to view node, if the Field2
is hidden or the dependency was not triggered the Field2
is not rendered on the node page, which is correct.
But, when using my custom template, I am not been able to prevent the rendering of Field2
on my node. It is shown with its default value on the node.
Please help.
template code:
<?php if(isset($content['field_job_type'][0]['#markup'])):?>
<p class=" no-margin "><strong>Job Type:</strong> <?php print $content['field_job_type'][0]['#markup'];?></p>
<?php endif;?>