Im using "Views field view" module to display a secondary view inside a main view. The secondary view has a contextual filter. The problem is that when Im trying to set up no result condition it doesnt show up. I have tried this cases:
Secondary view no result: nothing
Main view no result (In settings of the field with sec. view): text
Output: nothing
Secondary view no result: 0
Main view no result (read "0" as no result option enabled): text
Output: nothing
Secondary view no result: text
Main view no result: nothing
Output: text
In the last case views display the text but if it is an html with arguments from the main view the tokens wont be converted. If no result case is set to display 0 it will display nothing.
Views 7.x-3.0-rc3
Views Field View 7.x-1.x-dev
Drupal 7.9