If you aim to keep your footer region's wrappers in page.tpl.php your only option is to:
- hide field in node.tpl (tpl file or field display settings)
hide field in node.tpl (tpl file or field display settings)
- render the field in page.tpl.php where you want it.
render the field in page.tpl.php where you want it.
a) use hook_preprocess_page in tepmlate.php to set page=variable = field value (if exists); then print/render that variable in page.tpl.php b) less elegant and more error prone: render field from page's $node variable
a) use hook_preprocess_page in tepmlate.php to set page=variable = field value (if exists); then print/render that variable in page.tpl.php b) less elegant and more error prone: render field from page's $node variable
The above is assuming you're using standard drupal's theming system.
- THE QUICKEST: Alternatively you can use something like: https://www.drupal.org/project/fieldblock to expose your value as a block a,d them place it in whatever region. this one is compatible with whatever you use; panels DS; stabdrad block stystem; Context....