this is an old question, but for future readers I recommend take a look to Pathauto i18n module. From the module page:
As you know by default Pathauto creates alias only for one language or for all languages one alias. This module provides functionality to create aliases for each language. Also this module will be helpful, if you use field translation and you want show node on all language with paths, different from node/nid.
When you create node without pathauto_i18n: English alias: en/articles/first_article Italiano alias: not exist Deutsche alias: not exist
When you create node with pathauto_i18n: English alias: en/articles/first_article Italiano alias: it/articolo/first_article Deutsche alias: de/artikel/first_article
The same for taxonomy and users.
This module contains 3 submodules pathauto_i18n_node, pathauto_i18n_user and pathauto_i18n_taxonomy which allows enable separate functionality for each entity.
How to use
- Enable multilingual support for nodes(needs only for nodes)
- Configure alias patterns on page admin/config/search/path/patterns
- Create entity with option "Generate automatic URL alias for other languages"