Ok, I found a good solution to solve my problem.
Modules required
- Enable Helper module;
- Enable Devel module;
- Enable the block Execute PHP;
- Paste and execute this code in the block:
FieldChangeHelper::changeType('field_myintegerfield', 'number_decimal');
- Edit display format for node where the field is being used;
- Edit Views where the field is being used to fix the format settings (If necessary);
If you don't want use Devel and can use Drush:
Enable Helper module;
create a new file in root Drupal folder, i.e. name it: intToField.php
<?php FieldChangeHelper::changeType('field_myintegerfield', 'number_decimal'); ?>
launch the drush command: drush src intToField.php
Delete the file;
Edit display format for node where the field is being used;
Edit Views where the field is being used to fix the format settings (If necessary);