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I am having trouble updatingPHP version 5.3.3
Scientific Linux release 6.5 Carbon (like CentOS/Redhat)

Can't update a drupalDrupal 6 site using drushDrush 6. I have installed drushx. Installed Drush 6.38x using composer. I get this when I try to run "drush pm-update." Itupdate" produces the following, which makes me think that something's wrong with the hash for the end of life announcement.

I am having trouble updating a drupal 6 site using drush. I have installed drush 6.38 using composer. I get this when I try to run "drush pm-update." It makes me think that something's wrong with the hash for the end of life announcement.

PHP version 5.3.3
Scientific Linux release 6.5 Carbon (like CentOS/Redhat)

Can't update a Drupal 6 site using Drush 6.x. Installed Drush 6.x using composer. "drush pm-update" produces the following, which makes me think something's wrong with the hash for the end of life announcement.

Source Link

drush pm-update "File drupal6-eol is corrupt (wrong md5 checksum)."

I am having trouble updating a drupal 6 site using drush. I have installed drush 6.38 using composer. I get this when I try to run "drush pm-update." It makes me think that something's wrong with the hash for the end of life announcement.

# drush pm-update --verbose --no-cache
Initialized Drupal 6.38 root directory at /var/www/html/<url-removed>                      [notice]
Initialized Drupal site default at sites/default                                              [notice]
Loading release_info engine.                                                                  [notice]
Loading version_control engine.                                                               [notice]
Loading package_handler engine.                                                               [notice]
Executing: wget --version
Loading update_info engine.                                                                   [notice]
/usr/bin/php  -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runtime=Off -d                          [notice]
magic_quotes_sybase=Off /home/<user>/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php
--php=/usr/bin/php --php-options=' -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runtime=Off -d
magic_quotes_sybase=Off'  --backend=2 --verbose --root=/var/www/html/<url-removed>
--uri=http://default  pm-updatestatus 2>&1
Update information last refreshed: Thu, 04/14/2016 - 12:32
 Name                                    Installed     Proposed       Message                         
                                     Version       version                                        
 Backup and Migrate (backup_migrate)     6.x-2.8       6.x-2.8        Installed version not supported 
 Drupal                                  6.38          Drupal 6 has   SECURITY UPDATE available       
                                                   reached end                                    
                                                   of life                                        
 CCK Facets (cck_facets)                 6.x-1.x-dev   6.x-1.x-dev    Installed version not supported 
 Field Indexer (field_indexer)           6.x-1.0       6.x-1.0        Installed version not supported 
 Content (cck)                           6.x-2.9       6.x-2.9        Installed version not supported 
 Content Access (content_access)         6.x-1.2       6.x-1.2        Installed version not supported 
 Data export import                      6.x-1.1       6.x-1.1        Installed version not supported 
 Date (date)                             6.x-2.10      6.x-2.10       Installed version not supported 
 External Links (extlink)                6.x-1.17      6.x-1.17       Installed version not supported 
 Faceted Search (faceted_search)         6.x-1.0-beta  6.x-1.0-beta3  Installed version not supported 
 Google Analytics (google_analytics)     6.x-3.6       6.x-3.6        Installed version not supported 
 Image (image)                           6.x-1.2       6.x-1.2        Installed version not supported 
 ImageAPI (imageapi)                     6.x-1.10      6.x-1.10       Installed version not supported 
 ImageCache (imagecache)                 6.x-2.0-rc1   6.x-2.0-rc1    Installed version not supported 
 ImageField (imagefield)                 6.x-3.11      6.x-3.11       Installed version not supported 
 IMCE (imce)                             6.x-2.7       6.x-2.7        Installed version not supported 
 IMCE Wysiwyg API bridge (imce_wysiwyg)  6.x-1.1       6.x-1.1        Installed version not supported 
 jQuery UI (jquery_ui)                   6.x-1.5       6.x-1.5        Installed version not supported 
 Link (link)                             6.x-2.11      6.x-2.11       Installed version not supported 
 Menu Block (menu_block)                 6.x-2.4       6.x-2.4        Installed version not supported 
 Override node options                   6.x-1.14      6.x-1.14       Installed version not supported 
 Pathauto (pathauto)                     6.x-1.6       6.x-1.6        Installed version not supported 
 Poormanscron (poormanscron)             6.x-2.2       6.x-2.2        Installed version not supported 
 Site map (site_map)                     6.x-2.2       6.x-2.2        Installed version not supported 
 Token (token)                           6.x-1.19      6.x-1.19       Installed version not supported 
 Views Data Export (views_data_export)   6.x-2.0-beta  6.x-2.0-beta7  Installed version not supported 
 Views modify query                      6.x-1.x-dev   6.x-1.x-dev    Installed version not supported 
 Webform (webform)                       6.x-3.21      6.x-3.21       Installed version not supported 
 Weight (weight)                         6.x-1.3       6.x-1.3        Installed version not supported 
 Wysiwyg (wysiwyg)                       6.x-2.4       6.x-2.4        Installed version not supported 

Code updates will be made to drupal core.
WARNING:  Updating core will discard any modifications made to Drupal core files, most noteworthy among these are .htaccess and robots.txt.  If you have made any modifications to these files, please back them up before updating so that you can re-create your modifications in the updated version of the file.
Note: Updating core can potentially break your site. It is NOT recommended to update production sites without prior testing.

Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
Executing: svn info '/var/www/html/<url-removed>/drupal-Drupal 6 has reached end of life'
Executing: bzr root '/var/www/html/<url-removed>/drupal-Drupal 6 has reached end of life'
Executing: wget --version
Executing: wget -q --timeout=30 -O /tmp/download_fileBIUKo0
Downloading drupal6-eol was successful.                                                       [notice]
File drupal6-eol is corrupt (wrong md5 checksum).                                          [error]
Updating project drupal failed. Attempting to roll back to previously installed version.   [error]
Rolling back update of Drupal core code ...                                                   [notice]
Executing: svn info 'drupal-Drupal 6 has reached end of life'
Executing: bzr root 'drupal-Drupal 6 has reached end of life'
Backups were restored successfully.                                                        [ok]
Command dispatch complete                                                                     [notice]
Command dispatch complete                                                                     [notice]