I can't figure out how to select all aid's from the areas table that do not exist in the field_data_field_area_parent table. Here is a link to the output:
It almost works, except it returns Windy Ridge with an "aid" of "11". I am guessing that this is because "IN" is the same as "ANY", and the number "1" is in the subquery results.
How can I use NOT EXISTS
instead of NOT IN
function verb_get_parent_areas () {
$query = db_select('areas', 'a');
$subquery = db_select('field_data_field_area_parent', 'p');
$subquery->fields('p', array('entity_id'));
$query->condition('a.aid', $subquery, 'NOT IN');
$result = $query->execute();
while ($record = $result->fetchAll()) {
$areas = drupal_json_encode($record);
return $areas;
I've thought of trying this:, but it returns nothing.
function verb_get_parent_areas () {
$query = db_select('areas', 'a');
$subquery = db_select('field_data_field_area_parent', 'p');
$subquery->fields('p', array('entity_id'));
$result = $query->execute();
while ($record = $result->fetchAll()) {
$areas = drupal_json_encode($record);
return $areas;
But it returns nothing. Thanks for your help everyone.