Use insert module[insert module][1]
Insert is a utility that makes inserting images and links to files into text areas or WYSIWYGs much easier. It adds a simple JavaScript-based button to FileField and ImageField widgets. When used with ImageField and ImageCache, images may be inserted into text areas with a specific ImageCache preset.
This module was previously known as FileField Insert.
Support for all major WYSIWYG editors, including tinyMCE, CKeditor, the WYSIWYG project (the recommended approach), and plain
text areas. Insert images using ImageCache presets Maximum width setting for inserted images (for combined use with the Image Resize Filter module) Per-field insert configuration
I used that on drupal 7 in several projects and it's what you want.I don't used Drupal 8 version yet,but hope works well.
Hopefully, in Drupal >= 8.8 it's on the core. [1]: