I had this question in mind along all the last week: When I should create a service or an utility function?
In the Drupal Core we have both Services and Utility functions, but I can't find the distinction between theythem (when I need to create a service or when I need to create an utility function).
I will take as example the Modules Weight module where I have the InternalFunctions class.
namespace Drupal\modules_weight\Utility;
class InternalFunctions {
public static function prepareDelta($weight) {
$delta = 100;
$weight = (int) $weight;
if ($weight > $delta) {
return $weight;
if ($weight < -100) {
return $weight * -1;
return $delta;
public static function modulesList($force = FALSE) {
$modules = [];
$installed_modules = system_get_info('module');
$config_factory = \Drupal::service('config.factory');
if ($force) {
$show_system_modules = TRUE;
else {
$show_system_modules = $config_factory->get('modules_weight.settings')->get('show_system_modules');
$modules_weight = $config_factory->get('core.extension')->get('module');
foreach ($installed_modules as $filename => $module_info) {
if (!isset($module_info['hidden']) && ($show_system_modules || $module_info['package'] != 'Core')) {
$modules[$filename]['name'] = $module_info['name'];
$modules[$filename]['description'] = $module_info['description'];
$modules[$filename]['weight'] = $modules_weight[$filename];
$modules[$filename]['package'] = $module_info['package'];
uasort($modules, ['Drupal\Component\Utility\SortArray', 'sortByWeightElement']);
return $modules;
In this class I have two static functions but they are both utility functions or prepareDelta()
is an utility function and modulesList()
should be in another class and have a service?
The only difference that I found at this time is that inside the namespace Drupal\Component\Utility (where you will see a lot of utility fucntions) none of them use inside a service and usually a service use another services inside (I don't have review all the services to validate this).
So, when I should create a service or an utility function?