@user61857 It'sThe other answer pointed me in the right direction, thanks for your help. The
The merge filter didn't work for me, not sure. I don't know what I was goingdoing wrong, so I used thea simpler optionsolution.
{% elseif option.type == 'option' %}
{# custom if statement #}
{% if option.label == '- Any -' %}
<option value="{{ option.value }}"{{ option.selected ? ' selected="selected"' }}>- All -</option>
{% else %}
<option value="{{ option.value }}"{{ option.selected ? ' selected="selected"' }}>{{ option.label }}</option>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
happy drupaling
{% elseif option.type == 'option' %}
{# custom if statement #}
{% if option.label == '- Any -' %}
<option value="{{ option.value }}"{{ option.selected ? ' selected="selected"' }}>- All -</option>
{% else %}
<option value="{{ option.value }}"{{ option.selected ? ' selected="selected"' }}>{{ option.label }}</option>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}