In migrations, programmatically you can make requirements, so a migration cannot be ran until another migration already has already been ran (migrated).
Operation on Nodes (page) failed followed by Migration d6_node:page did not meet the requirements. Missing migrations d6_user. requirements: d6_user.
So what this error is saying is you need to run d6_user
first; before you can run d6_node:page
Why you might ask? Because nodes have authors, so the user's need to be already migrated so the node can set the authors. Otherwise, you would end up with nodes that don't have authors.
Migration d6_node_revision:page did not meet the requirements. Missing migrations d6_node:page. requirements: d6_node:page.
Like wise here, you can't have a revision until a node exists. So you need to run d6_node:page
before running d6_node_revision:page