Am trying to create a health service locator using Google maps API on my Drupal 7 site. (FYI, I cant use location module or open layers, because, Create a hospital locator in drupal 7Create a hospital locator in drupal 7 )
OK, so now I have a form, which takes the users location, type of service (eg, hospital, pharmacy etc) and the proximity around which they wish to find the result, using Google Maps API and Google Places API I fetch the results (details about those near by places such as hospital) in JSON format from Google. The fetched data includes each place's name, address, rating, phone number, latitude, longitude etc. now I store those values in form_state['storage']
and then sends it to the JS file using the drupal_add_js()
The below code is sending the values,
drupal_add_js(array('a'.$i =>array(
'lat'=> $form_state['storage']['results'][$i]['geometry']['location']['lat'],
'long'=> $form_state['storage']['results'][$i]['geometry']['location']['long'],
'name'=> $form_state['storage']['results'][$i]['name'],
the details of first place is in a0, second place detail is in a1 etc.
FYI, each place details are in Drupal.settings.a0
, Drupal.settings.a1
I mean, I can access those variables in js file using,
similarly for second place,
Now my problem is I need to iterate through these different places.
I can iterate through different variables of one particular place usin the below for loop,
for(var x in Drupal.settings.a0)
But, I cant iterate through different places, like a0, a1 etc. I mean I cant attach a variable to drupal.settings..!
I tried tried putting all places in an array, i.e, a0,a1,a2 are in an array named arr[]
(I have the total no. of places in Drupal.settings.my_vars.length
) then, I iterate through this array and tried attaching arr[i] to Drupal.settings
as Drupal.settings.arr[i].x
but it doesn't work.
How can I do it...?? Is there any better way of achieving it...??
Thanks in advance.