Normally you'dPutting this in page.html.twig
is a bad idea. Since this template will be used for every page rendered from Drupal using that theme.
Instead you should simply create a View. Views can be used to query a certain content type and to list nodes in a certain view mode or just certain fields of these nodes (the title and a color field for thatexample). At bestThen configure your view to provide a block. And then and place that block in the region you wanna have the Flowers printed. With a view
Views and block will take care of the caching. And you are much more flexible latercan use the block's visibility settings to have it displayed only on paths or nodes where you really need it.
But to do it withoutIf you still insist on coding this in a viewtemplate (not recommended, too performance-heavy, too much logic in templates) you first have to pass all Flower nodes to the template. So in your MYTHEME.theme
* Implements template_preprocess_page().
function MYTHEME_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
$query = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node')->getQuery();
// Get all Flower node IDs.
$nids = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')
$query->condition('type', 'flower')
// Load all Flower nodes.
$nodes = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::loadMultiple($nids);
// Pass them to page.html.twig.
$variables['flowers'] = $nodes;
Then in your page.html.twig
{% for flower in flowers %}
{{ flower.title.value }}
{{ flower.field_color.value }}
{% endfor %}