You can install Devel's submodule Kint, and then in your template print {{ kint() }}
to get a pretty-printed dump of all available variables.
Unfortunately I couldn't find the vocabulary label/name in there. Only the field label:
{{ content.field_taxo_fruit['#title'] }}
Maybe @4k4's answer below works for you, for me it didn'tonly prints the vocabulary's machine name. So,But not the label/name. But I finally got hold of the vocabulary name in a preprocess function in MYTHEME.theme
from where I sent it over to Twig:
function MYTHEME_preprocess_node__article(&$variables) {
$node = $variables['node'];
$vid = array_values($node->field_taxo_fruit->getSettings()['handler_settings']['target_bundles'])[0];
$vocabulary = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_vocabulary')->load($vid);
$variables['taxo_fruit_vocab'] = $vocabulary->label();
And in node--article.html.twig
then it's:
{% if taxo_fruit_vocab %}
<div class="taxo-fruit-vocab">
Vocab: {{ taxo_fruit_vocab }}
{% endif %}