Here is a very simple code:
1-My constraint plugin (MyConstraint.php)
* @Constraint(
* id = "MyConstraint",
* label = @Translation("Never Validated", context = "Validation"),
* type = "string"
* )
class MyConstraint extends Constraint {
public $message = "error %value";
2-My constraint validator (MyConstraintValidator.php) [=>addViolation in all cases]
class MyConstraintValidator extends ConstraintValidator {
public function validate($items, Constraint $constraint) {
dpm("I am displayed");
$this->context->addViolation($constraint->message, [
'%value' => 10
3-My constraint added to my bundle
function mymodule_entity_bundle_field_info_alter(&$fields, EntityTypeInterface $entity_type, $bundle)
$fields['my_paragraph_field']->addConstraint('MyConstraint', []);
1-The dpm message 'I am displayed' is displayed
2-The entity is saved without any validation error
-I have other constraints which are working well, If I test one of them (on my_bundle), the violation of this working constraint will be displayed but not the one with the code detailled here.
-The problematic constraint is added to a paragraph field... I suspect the problem is coming from there
-Nothing in the error logs.
I am looking for a hint to where to look.