Using Drupal 10.1.8 and webform 6.2.2
Done a bit of searching, and the only questions I find similar, are quite old. This one seems the best match: AJAX autocomplete based on other field value
Now, my question:
I have two fields:
Client Company : Entity Lookup / autocomplete on taxonomy term
Client project Manager : Entity Lookup to user via a view entity ref.
So, as noted, I want the Client Project Manager field to pass the value (entity id) that was placed in the 'Client Company' field, so as to allow the view to filter.
I am good with all the hooks etc to apply the filter, what I cannot figure out is how to pass that value. I can do as per the noted linked question, and implement some custom js to deal with the fields, but, is that still really the only way?
I, for example, tried using a token in the dependant field's 'view arguments', which, seems the way to go logically, but, the token is just passed, as is, as a string, not the value.
Am i just maybe formatting the token wrong?
I am fairly new to Drupal.
UPDATE: I did just notice the double :: in the token, and fixed that, but the end result is still the same (got excited there for a moment!)