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Sep 15 at 14:21 comment added Patrick Kenny @sonfd For phpstan they can be in either, so I would use require-dev. You can also add the module (a second time) as a suggest with a brief note explaining what you can do if you use the two modules together. For an example, see this composer.json:… jsonrpc is not a dependency of the module in, but the module contains some plugins for jsonrpc, so it is a dev dependency for phpstan and also suggested.
Sep 15 at 11:43 comment added sonfd In this case, where would be needed for these CI jobs, would it be recommended to add entity_reference_revisions in the require or require-dev section of my composer.json file?
Sep 15 at 11:40 vote accept sonfd
Sep 15 at 6:06 comment added avpaderno I agree: Drupal does not throw exceptions for a field formatter that is defined for a non-existing field type; it will just never use that field formatter or propose it as option for a field. That is different in the case of GitLab Ci jobs like phpstan and phpunit, which need the other module to run without failures.
Sep 15 at 3:19 history answered Patrick Kenny CC BY-SA 4.0