I posted this over herea (http://drupal.org/node/1152004support request) on Drupal.org, but I thought I may find a faster answer here.
I am using the User Relationships module to create mutual relationships between two people with the purpose of viewing content. The node access part of UR seems to work fine. I am having trouble with Views, though.
Can anyone explain to me how I would do the following?
- Create a View containing content a user (not current logged in user) has created, filtered by a content type (lets call it Image). This view has a path with an argument like user/%/images.
- When the current user goes to user/%/images, it should show the images for whichever user ID is passed as the argument ONLY IF both users are related/accepted relationship. There is only one relationship type on the website. If there is no relationship, I would like to serve Access Denied, or at the very least, Page Not Found. But 403 makes more sense.
I cannot get this to work.
My goal is to show links to different types of contents users have created, and the viewing user (requester?) needs to have a relationship to view the content. Otherwise they should see nothing at all, or return an access denied error.