I use Drupal 7.
I have a custom content type which, among other fields, uses Fivestar ratings.
I would like to have my node content enriched with Microdatamicrodata/Microformartsmicroformarts/RDFardf so that it appears in Google Rich Snippets.
I tried RDF module, but it cannot apply detailed formating at the Fivestar module results, because Fivestar produces rating and number of reviews as one field.
I would like to recreate node.tpl.php, by printing field by field and not just $content
Also I would like to find out how to break down the fivestar two number results down to each compenents, so that I can put the right microdata in the markup.
More information about rich snippets is at http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=99170.
How I can find out the variables and arrays that are used to print the content of a node?
How can I print one by one at node.tpl.php, so that I am able to put the right rich snippets markup in between?
edit: ok, till now I have found about devel module and that I must use dpm($content) inside my node--type.tpl.php. I manage to print render($field_names) of various other fields, but I could not yet understand yet about fivestar module values.