A kinda hacky way of doing it is to hook into hook_ctools_block_info() like so:
* Implements hook_ctools_block_info().
* @see ctools_block_content_type_content_types().
function menu_block_ctools_block_info($module, $delta, &$info) {
if ($info['title'] == 'Sub Menu Menu Block') {
$info['icon'] = 'icon_core_block_menu.png';
$info['category'] = t('Page Content');
I just dropped this code in a separate module and I'm off to the races. The only problem is if Menu Block decides to implement its own hook_ctools_block_info function (Indeed, I got thisthe above code from a patch that does exactly thata patch that does exactly that), in which case redeclaration errors will show up. I'll leave this question marked as unanswered for the moment; if anyone can think of a better way of accomplishing the above, I'd be happy to accept that answer instead.