Anyway I switched from node type to entity. The issue still present. I put test code to Drupal installation which is using database called 'gallery':
$e = entity_create('model', array('type' => 'image'));
$ew = entity_metadata_wrapper('model',$e);
'fid' => 12,
'alt' => 'alt',
'title' => 'title',
$ew->field_entity_image_name->set('image name');
It works ok, but when I try to use similar snipper in other installation:
$file = file_load($image['fid']);
$file->uid = 1;
$e = entity_create('model', array('type' => 'image'));
$ew = entity_metadata_wrapper('model',$e);
'fid' => $file->fid,
'alt' => $image['alt'],
'title' => $image['title'],
Custom fields are not stored. Only record in file_managed table is inserted correctly.
All Drupal installations are on the same server so I thought that I can just switch to other installation database, but now I start thinking about using somekind of web service but it is pointless in this case :/