I finally figured out how to get everything I wanted to happen, and figured I would post it here in case anyone had similar difficulties. Entity reference prepopulate + a views block that links to my event registration entityform. This blog was extremely helpful: http://wunderroot.com/blog/simple-contact-form-per-content-item-with-entityform/2012-10-24https://wunder.io/blog/simple-contact-form-per-content-item-with-entityform/2012-10-24 .
One tricky thing for me was getting my taxonomy terms to be recognized by an entity reference field. The only field option I had was "Content: All taxonomy terms," and entity reference taxonomy term fields will only recognize the taxonomy id in the url. So, I used views to rewrite the output of the content: all taxonomy terms field as [term_node_tid-tid].
Really effing love tokens, views, and entity reference prepopulate right now!