PleaseYou can use Views attach module(the attach )module.
Note: This module has been deprecated for Drupal 7 in favor of its phoenix, EVA.
This module provides two additional Views display plugins, "Profile" and "Node content". These displays do not display on a page but get "attached" to either a user page or nodes of specified types. These views are not stored with the user or node, the way viewreference.module would, so they can be globally-reconfigured.
Usage tips
Many people have asked how to use this module to show content related to the node or user to which a view is attached. The answer is to use Arguments. Even though attached views have no path, they still get to make use of arguments.
- Create a nodereference field on some node type. Create several nodes of that type that nodereference to some other node
- Create a new "Node content" display; configure it as desired
- Add an argument for the nodereference field you created in step 1
- Set the default value of that argument to "Node ID from URL"
- Set the display to show on node types that are pointed to by that nodereference field
- Profit