function commerce_giftcards_action_change_qty_one($current_order, $current_line_item) {
dpm('Current Order ID: ' . $current_order->order_number);
dpm('Updated Line Item ID: ' . $current_line_item->line_item_id);
dpm('Updated Line Item Type: ' . $current_line_item->type);
->fields(array('quantity' => '1.00'))
->condition('type''line_item_id', $current_line_item->line_item_id, '=')
The correct fields are printing in the messages but the database is not updating unless I am going back to the product's page and adding another to the cart. Nothing in It only keeps the logs says there is an issue eitherquantity at 1 if I hit add to cart more than once.
EDIT 3: Running If I change the db_updatequantity of the item on the cart page it still increases the quantity in devel/php did not update the database either, so therewhile also displaying the message that says only 1 qty of that item is something wrong with my db_update queryallowed.