As an last option you can implement theme_breadcrumb() in your theme template.php
Something like below sample code.
function themename_breadcrumb($variables) {
if (arg(0) == "galery" && is_numeric(arg(1))) {
// Get event title of the event
$event_nids = mymodulename_get_back_refernce_value(arg(1));
// Note since a gallery can be referred by multiple event nodes so you have add logic which one you need to pick here, for now I am picking with array index as 0
$event_node = node_load($events_nids[0]);
$links[0] = l(t('Home'), '<front>');
// inplace of 'events' add internal link path to events page.
$links[1] = l(t('Events'),'events');
$links[1]$links[2] = l(t($event_node->title),'node/'.$event_node->nid);
$links[1]$links[3] = t('schedule');