I think this is an interesting question, and I am wondering whether there is a possible solution to this using views.
We have a comment body, using views, where we have the name, comment, picture, and date for each of the posted comments. At the end of all comments we have a comment body, where one can add a comment.
Now this works great for a linear comment system, but we want a threaded system in place. In views, I can add a reply comment link, but that takes me to a new page.
What I want is JavaScript based action, such that the comment form, goes below the reply link when reply button is clicked. Is this possible via views?
If not, what's my best option?
I enabled a module called ajax comments. This works great with default drupal comment system, but not so much with views. I added the required classes, and got the basic thing to work but the newly added comment doesn't appear until you refresh the page. Also the message (queued for moderation) comes at the bottom of the page.
If someone has set this module up successfully with views, please let me know.