I'm trying to show a different frontpage to users of a specific role, using the Front Page module (version 6.x-2.0-rc1) in alias mode. This works fine for users that are already logged in, but the problematic point now is that I'm also using the IP Login module (version 6.x-1.2) to log in certain users based on their IP address. This login seems to work differently from the usual login via the /user
Those users that are logged in via IP, they first get the normal frontpage that anonymous users get, they are not redirected automatically to the special frontpage I defined using the Frontpage module. If they reload the frontpage they are already logged in now and they see the special frontpage as intended.
The usual ways of using the Rules module or the Login Redirect module to redirect the users after they login just don't work, the users are not getting redirected when they are logged in via IP address.
Any ideas on how I could work around this problem, so that users logged in via IP see the special, redirected frontpage directly after openening the page?