I would like to setup an environment where each of my users will be creating a node every day. I know all of my users won't be able to log in every day and they will want to check what they added on past days. I figured the best way to accomplish adding past days & displaying created content would be checking the url and returning either the node (if they have created one) or the node/add form if they have not.
For example, user 1234 navigates to: url = example.com/user/1234/2011/09/10
If they have a node created with a date field set to this day it would show the node. If not, it returns the node/add form with a hidden field set to the date in the url (easy, I can take care of that).
My first thought was panels/page manager, but I don't see a way to check if a node is created based on a date structure, if it can be accomplished I am all ears. If you think another solution is better... I am all ears!
EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that my original question overlooked a node type. I might have more than one, and I could see this being useful for other people so lets say for arguments sake that the url looks like this: