I use services with drupal 7, here the services resources function :

function custom_api_services_resources()
    return [
        'res' => [
            'create' => [
                'callback' => 'custom_api_create_user',
                'access arguments' => array('administer access control'),
                'access arguments append' => FALSE,
                    'args' => [
                        'name' => 'data',
                        'type' => 'struct',
                        'description' => 'data',
                        'optional' => FALSE,
                        'source' => 'data'

Here the node access function (empty) :

function custom_api_node_access($op, $data) { 

For Authentication I use HTTP basic authentication and/or Session authentication

I don't know what I have to do to limit access only for admin. I've tried a lot but never work with authentication.

I feel like it's very easy to use it, but I don't understand it.

I've already posted a message about this issue but differently. Can someone delete the first one, please ? How do I use the access arguments?


custom_api.module file :

             'create' => [
                'callback' => 'custom_api_create_users',
                'access callback' => 'custom_api_access_callback',
                'access arguments' => array('administer create field_projects'),
                'access arguments append' => TRUE,
                'access callback file' => array(
                  'type' => 'inc',
                  'module' => 'support',
                  'name' => 'custom_api.resource',
                    'args' => [
                        'name' => 'data',
                        'type' => 'struct',
                        'description' => 'data',
                        'optional' => FALSE,
                        'source' => 'data'

custom_api.resource.inc :

function custom_api_access_callback($permission) {
  return user_access($permission);

Permission from Database, role_permission table :

Permission : access comments Module : comment

Permission : access content Module : node

Permission : access news feeds Module : aggregator

Permission : access site map Module : site_map

Permission : create field_credits Module : field_permissions

Permission : create field_credit_level_1 Module : field_permissions

Permission : create field_credit_level_2 Module : field_permissions

Permission : create field_credit_level_3 Module : field_permissions

Permission : create field_level Module : field_permissions

Permission : create field_number_of_credit_remove Module : field_permissions

Permission : create field_projects Module : field_permissions

Permission : create field_remove_credit Module : field_permissions

Permission : search content Module : search

Permission : subscribe to newsletters Module : simplenews

Permission : use advanced search Module : search

Permission : use custom search Module : custom_search

Permission : use custom search blocks Module : custom_search_blocks

Permission : use text format guestbook_txt Module : filter

Permission : access comments Module : comment

Permission : access content Module : node

Permission : access news feeds Module : aggregator

Permission : access site map Module : site_map

Permission : administer custom search Module : custom_search

Permission : administer custom search blocks Module : custom_search_blocks

Permission : administer search Module : search

I have link to add data (client and node : project and client) in drupal website. Only administrators can add data.

  • Why are you using hook_node_access for creating a user? Commented Aug 8, 2016 at 1:28
  • Actually, I create three entities "user", "client" and "project"... I thought to use this hook to limit access.
    – Swarovski
    Commented Aug 8, 2016 at 19:08

1 Answer 1


Drupal Services is a bit strange in that it doesn't seem to fall back to calling the user_access() function. Instead, I always provide a custom access callback function, and in it usually just make a call to user_access(). Try this:

'doli' => [
        'create' => [
            'callback' => 'custom_api_create_user',
            'access callback' => 'example_access_callback',
            'access arguments' => array('administer access control'),
            'access arguments append' => TRUE,
            'access callback file' => array(
              'type' => 'inc',
              'module' => 'example',
              'name' => 'example.resource',
                'args' => [
                    'name' => 'data',
                    'type' => 'struct',
                    'description' => 'data',
                    'optional' => FALSE,
                    'source' => 'data'

Then make a file called example.resource.inc in your module's folder, and place this code into it:

function example_access_callback($permission) {
  return user_access($permission);
  • Thank you Tyler for your answer but it doesn't work, I got this message with postman tool : "Access denied for user Name". Let me know if you require any further information.
    – Swarovski
    Commented Aug 9, 2016 at 18:54
  • Please verify the machine name of the permission you are checking against. For example, I don't recognize the administer access control permission, which module provides that? Commented Aug 10, 2016 at 13:33
  • Yes, it's not administer access control but administrator. If I use "Session authentication" I got this message : "Access denied for user anonymous", if I use "HTTP basic authentication" I got : "Access denied for user Swarovski"...
    – Swarovski
    Commented Aug 10, 2016 at 15:59
  • no idea ? I got this error : 401 Unauthorized. I use administrator access content permission ... Don't know why it doesn't work.
    – Swarovski
    Commented Aug 15, 2016 at 12:30
  • The permission name is probably administer nodes and/or access content. Commented Aug 15, 2016 at 13:27

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